Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Tea Flavored Yogurt with Caramelized Nuts

Tea Flavored Yogurt with Caramelized Nuts~

Enter the world of culinary delights where as a thoroughbred Bangladeshi, one would think we ace at pickling and know our achars well but wait… there is something called Tea pickle from across the Eastern borders in Myanmar! Now that the shock might have sunk in, do remind yourself that tea is held in high reverence, whether it is through the age old custom of tea drinking ceremonies in the East or to the fact that a tea stall in any Bangladeshi village is the best place to make friends.

I take you down a walk through the many ways we can incorporate this favorite beverage of ours into food that is fragrant and adds that touch of the extraordinary to your dinner table.

In the land of sweet yoghurt we are all too familiar with flavored yoghurt but tea flavored yoghurt? Well let's give this one a try, shall we? Bon appetit and eat healthy dear readers!

Ingredients of tea flavored yoghurt with caramelized nuts:
  • 1 kg of milk; if you are one of the lucky few to have access to cow milk then go for it or use good powder milk,
  • 1 tablespoons of cardamoms,
  • 1 medium stick cinnamon,
  • 4 tablespoons of normal black tea; any brand for black tea will do,
  • 2 tulsi tea bags,
  • 4 tablespoons of brown sugar; you might want to keep this sugar free and use honey on top later on,
  • 1 tablespoon of culture yogurt or use any good yogurt you had as a culture,
  • handful of walnuts and cashew nuts; caramelized in sugar for serving.

Directions of tea flavored yogurt with caramelized nuts:
  1. Boil the milk, cardamom, cinnamon stick, tea and sugar for about 5 minutes or until it starts to thicken and a heavy layer of cream forms of on top.
  2. Remove from heat and cool it while the tulsi tea bags are dipped into it.
  3. Cool it to be lukewarm to the touch but not cold. Smear a deep dish with the culture yogurt and gently pour this milk into it.
  4. Store it in a dry warm place for up to 8 hours. Every time you check the yogurt, do not toss it around too much as this can disturb the bacterial formation within.
  5. Once the yogurt is set you can refrigerate it. The more you keep it out the more sour it gets.
  6. Serve a dollop of yogurt with caramelized walnuts or cashews sprinkled on top and enjoy this new form of sweet tea yogurt!

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